SmartUtils and Civil 3D

Civil 3D networks can be created from SmartUtils network modules. and consequently exported to Navisworks making SmartUtils full BIM software.

Add Civil 3D Part List

Matching SmartUtils Pipes and Structures to Civil 3D Catalogs is required before converting to C3D networks. Each SmartUtils pipe/structure is required to match C3D pipe/structure.
With this command user will be prompted to pick one SmartUtils element (pipe or node) and to select the matching one from C3D Part List as listed in the dialog box. 

Assign Part List one by one

Add Civil 3D Part List by Group

Matching group of pipes or structures is more practical than adding them one by one. This command will group SmartUtils pipes and structures based on their size and list them in the shown dialog.
First the user required to pick either pipe or structure in the target network, the software will show a list of the diameter groups of the network of the picked pipe or structure. Clicking on each one then OK to get the above dialog but this time all elements (pipe or structure) will be assigned with the C3D Catalog info.
Once all groups are processed, click Close button, now the command Create Civil 3D Network is ready

Assign Part List by group

Create Civil 3D Networks

To run this command successfully, All pipes and structure must have Civil 3D Part List assigned. 
1. Civil 3D networks will be listed here to select one.
2. This will copy node description of the nodes from SmartUtils element properties (Tag, Label) or leave it to the Part List default.
3. Same as above for pipes.
4. Civil 3D must have unique pipe names, but names in  Smart Utils are optional and can be added to the Tag or Label properties of pipes. Using Auto option SmartUtils will number all pipes with this format ( Pipe-# ).
5. Created network can be given a name here or merged with existing C3D network.

SU to Civil 3D

Export C3D network to CSV

This command will Export Civil 3D Networks to CSV to be used in design software or to be imported to SmartUtils.

Civil 3D to CSV

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